
Male Escorts

Male Escorts
Male Escorts

Once upon a time there was a group of women who called themselves, the “Ra Ra Girls” because they always cheered for each other and supported each other’s ideas. They also found unique ways to resolve any differences between their opinions. Here they were stuck on the Male Escorts question. They tended to do things by committee and always maintained decorum. They knew each other since high school and shared many experiences with each other. The women in the group were named Lora, Jenny, Jessica, Tammy, Katie, Monica, and Kristin.

The Ra Ra Girls’ most recent show of support was their team effort to plan Kristin’s bachelorette party. All the women, aside from Kristin, gathered at Tammy’s place to sketch out the flow of the evening and to assign light tasks to each other. They figured Lora would make the music playlist. Jenny would prepare and order food for delivery. Tammy would be on décor detail. Katie would gather funny stories about Ms. Bachelorette and craft a poem to read aloud. Monica would be on drink duty. All of them, collectively, hoped to select the male entertainment. But they held differing views on what flavor of man they should reserve for the night. This pertinent choice would shape the entire ambiance of the evening. So, in true form, they implemented a cheery, creative method for resolving it; they played a game! They titled it, “Male Escorts or Male Companions?” When they started the game, the women were evenly split on the decision with half wanting each option. They divided into teams of three and displayed their best game faces. Tammy favored both choices, enough, that she volunteered to emcee the game, as the Madame of Ceremony. She truly played “hostess” in her own living room! She was notoriously reasonable and fair so everyone agreed. The remaining women skewed toward Male Companions choice.

male companion
male companion

“Welcome to the Ra Ra Girls’ Hearing!” said Tammy. “Each side reports they have conducted research and will present a robust case for its cause. When I ask a question, each team may succinctly answer within ten seconds. Ready, set, here goes….”

Madame of Ceremony: “Would your man be a hot international model whose face is as beautiful as his body?”

Team Strippers: “We’re not sure. Besides, it’s awkward to look Male Escorts in the eye.”

Team Companions: “Definitely. The Companions are the full package, the total man. Many of them actually appear in magazines and runway model shows! They are all shockingly gorgeous.”

Madame of Ceremony: “Would your man be an interesting, dynamic person?”

Team Strippers: “I mean, how would we know? He’s one of a zillion Male Escorts.”

Team Companions: Exactly. You wouldn’t know. The Strippers just dash into the party, shed their clothes, remain anonymous, and leave.
The Companions are selectively-chosen, multi-faceted, smart, conversational men, who….”

Madame of Ceremony: “Time’s up! Next question. What kind of agency would you call to book your man?”

Team Strippers: “Um, I mean, we’d probably search a local exchange site for Male Escorts and just pick a couple guys who work around the neighborhood or whatever. So, no real ‘agency,’ per se.”

Team Companions: “We’d call ‘Cowboys 4 Angels,’ the best agency of Male Companions. They meet your needs and collaborate with you. The owner, Garren James, is a real sweetheart. It’s a class-act company designed to make women happy! The Companions are always on time, they….”

Madame of Ceremony: “Time’s up! Two more questions. First, how do other people recommend your man? What’s the buzz on him?”
Team Strippers: “We’d go online and search for reviews of Male Escorts by people who yap and yack about a variety of services. Surely, someone could vouch for our man.”

Team Companions: “Easy. ‘Cowboys 4 Angels’ is all over the press. The agency maintains a stunning website of Male Companions with some client reviews and with links to its media presence. What better way to get a picture?!”

Madame of Ceremonies: “Now, Kristin is the most elegant gal of our group. Sorry ladies, but you all know it’s true.” (They all concurred.) “So, I ask, finally; would she feel sexy and cherished with your man? After all, this night is all about making her feel fabulous.”
Team Strippers: “Uh, maybe. But, really we’ll just watch the guy do his thing.”

Team Companions: “Really? Isn’t that what men do on a daily basis—just ‘do their thing’ without regard for women in the room? The Companions’ entire experience will revolve around Kristin’s mood and wishes. If she wants to dance, he will join her. If she wants to steal a moment to chat, he will do that too. If she wants to….”

Madame of Ceremonies: “Okay! That’s a rap! After considering all the testimony, I hereby declare that Team Companions wins! We shall, therefore, call a Male Companion.”

The night of the bachelorette party arrived. Kristin was decked-out and excited. The doorbell rang and someone answered and greeted an impossibly hot ‘Cowboys 4 Angels’ Male Companion beamed with his perfect smile. He immediately got into the vibe of the party and seemed like a natural part of it. He actually took the time to learn each woman’s name and to chat a bit with everyone. At first, Kristin just wanted to talk and bask in his attention. But, then, she wanted a mini-strip tease. The Male Companion was very refined yet still put on a sexy show. All the women danced along with him and had a blast. The single women at the party took the agency’s phone number because they planned to reserve their private dates with the amazing Male Companion.

Everyone was smitten with the charming man who graced the party with his presence. He was the ultimate gift to Kristin and the guests. The Male Companions’ team won the contest while Kristin and her friends won the prize. They won the gift of sharing time with a Cowboys 4 Angels Male Companion. The women of Ra Ra Girls struck again with, yet, another cheerful success, together!

The End.

Straight Elite Male Companions for Women