Tag Archives: Nick Gigolos

Nick Hawk Gigolos Las Vegas Straight Male Escort


Las Vegas Straight Male Escort, Nick Hawk, surprised me very pleasantly in many ways. He opened my eyes to things I did not expect. He showed me that you cannot always judge a book by its cover and make presumptions about people but, rather, ought to take a moment alone with someone to get to know them on a more intimate level.

Basically, I was generally skeptical about sharing time with a Las Vegas Male Companion. But I wanted to dip my feet in the water and try. For the days I was available, Nick Hawk had one time available too so he was the best fit for the timing I needed. But, I was nervous about being a good pairing with him. Nick Hawk is the star of my favorite show the Gigolos Show on Showtime.

Here’s the deal; I knew going into it that Male Escort Nick Hawk has this super-cool aesthetic, persona, and image. I, on the other hand, am a less-savvy person. I simply don’t have that style and “swagger.” I know and admit that about myself. As a librarian, I am a bit of a bookworm. I prefer a quiet evening curled up with the latest novel release. Then I like to discuss the literature with my friends and acquaintances. So, I had in my mind a concern about whether a Cowboy, such as Nick, could relate to me. Plus, I think I was a little intimidated by the process and maybe by his finesse.

Well, Nick Hawk star of Gigolos show showed me a side of himself that opened my eyes to a whole new world. Nick is an angel. (Is that weird to say, given that he’s also totally the Cowboy?!) I found him to be incredibly intelligent, really insightful, and very gentle in nature. He’s very well-read and appreciated my fondness for the written word.


Further, I know his hotness is obvious. I mean, he looks ripped and handsome in all of his images and on the Gigolos show on Showtime. But, I saw a beauty in him that seemed deeper than I first noticed. I had these moments of quiet conversation with him. He’d ask me a thoughtful question in response to something I had said. Then, I would look up at him and catch a glimpse of these really pretty, hazel eyes looking back directly at me, awaiting my response. His eyes are so beautiful! His smile, too, is perfect. I feel like I initially lost those incredible features in my mind. Nick is also surprisingly worldly. He has traveled a good deal and simply has a lot of life experience and know-how. This background adds to the richness of his personality.

Something unexpected happened which caused Nick’s face to light up as I spoke; I apparently entertained his sense of humor (I’ll boast) by my commentary on the situations around us! Typically, I tend to be rather quiet, shy, and withdrawn into my own world and the scenery around the literary characters I follow. But, when Las Vegas Nick Hawk and I strolled through a park, hand-in-hand, I guess I opened up and became, well, “deliciously sarcastic and hilarious,” as he phrased it. So, in this respect, Nick noticed a less-well-known side of me when he inspired me to free that part of myself on our date.

Nick also brought out my sense of adventure. On our walk we approached a ferris wheel that provides vantage points overlooking the city. When we first arrived, I had told Nick that, although the ferris wheel seemed like a nice idea, I was too scared to be up that high. He totally respected my wishes. Then he courteously added, with allure, that if I should change my mind, he would hold my hand through the experience. I came around to riding on the ferris wheel. Nick Hawk is so fun-loving that he companioned me through the whole experience and made it a blast for me. I felt really safe and, admittedly, excited to steal away some more private moments with Nick during the ride. It turned out to be really romantic. I would go on it again but only with Nick so as to preserve the memories I originally created with him.


Throughout the entire date in Las Vegas, I felt extraordinarily comfortable, as if I had known Nick for a long time. The best reason I can ascertain for why that is the case is that Nick clearly has that gift of adapting to people and places really well. He has a general love of people that is so obvious. He also has a general love for animals which I could gather. Nick was so cute. While we were in the park, we saw a number of adorable puppies and then some more husky dogs. We also passed by a pond with a family of ducks. Nick was so endeared by them. I could tell that sentiment was natural and familiar for him.

On one hand, I feel like I’ve discovered a treasured piece of someone which may be less well-known. On the other hand, I realize that anyone who has met Male Escort Nick Hawk is already well-aware of these “secrets.” I’m just a little later in learning about them!


Nick’s edgy, cool image, I think, may gloss over some of these amazing details about him that ought to be widely known. He is a gorgeous man, both inside and outside who, I now understand, can seriously relate to women of all types. It’s like he personifies the best of all worlds. In one respect, he exudes a vibe of being a confident, bold guy, who is open to trying things, eager to being fun & active, and keen on relating to a myriad of people. Yet, he also possesses this soft, sweet, loving side to him, where he goes deep…in discussion, in thought, and in his tender gaze.

In these ways, Nick Hawk is a dynamic man and, moreover, a well-rounded person, whose assets present themselves on many different levels. I have already planned my next date with Straight Male Escort Nick Hawk (I miss him!) and look forward to feeling very special in his presence again.